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of titan造句

"of titan"是什么意思  
  • There is liquid flowing on the surface of titan
  • The world of titans
  • Time of titans
  • The imaging cameras , which provide a global view of titan , have imaged a much larger , irregular dark feature
  • As cassini continues its reconnoitering flybys of titan , the imaging science team continues to improve its ability to tease out surface details hidden in the unprocessed images
  • Cassini will release a probe called " huygens " that will enter the atmosphere of titan , the largest satellite of saturn , and may even attempt a landing on titan s surface
  • Here , we resent statistics for the two known races of titans and for the members of the pantheon ? the leaders of the titans and some of the universe ' s most powerful entities
  • The above image is a false - color synthetic radar map of a northern region of titan taken during a flyby of the cloudy moon by the robotic cassini spacecraft last july
  • Vims made the first detection of titan ' s vast polar ethane cloud when it probed titan ' s high northern latitudes on cassini flybys in december 2004 , august 2005 , and september 2005
    Vims在卡西尼2004年12月、 2005年8月和2005年9月飞越泰坦北半球高纬度地区期间对巨大的极地乙烷云进行了首次探测。
  • In january , huygens is to parachute through the clouds and haze of titan ' s thick nitrogen to try a soft landing for the first close look at the moon ' s landscape , or oceanscape , as the case may be
    明年一月, “卡西尼”号所携带的微型探测器“惠更斯”号将与其分离并在降落伞的协助下穿过云层和厚的氮气层着陆土卫六表面。
  • It's difficult to see of titan in a sentence. 用of titan造句挺难的
  • Previous analyses of titan ' s atmosphere have revealed the presence of methane and other hydrocarbons ; these compounds could rain down on the surface ( believed to be made of frozen water ) and form lakes of liquid methane and ethane
    先前的分析显示,泰坦的大气含有甲烷和其他碳氢化合物,这些化合物很可能像下雨般落到泰坦地表(一般相信是由结冻的水所构成的) ,因而形成液态甲烷或乙烷的湖泊。
  • Although the primary goal of the huygens probe is the investigation of titan ' s atmosphere , and no provision has been made for guaranteeing survival on landing ( which would have been too costly ) , scientists are keenly interested in the nature of the moon ' s surface
    虽然惠更斯号探测器的主要目标是调查土卫六的大气,且设计上并不保证安全登陆(代价过为昂贵) ,科学家仍对土卫六的表面性质十分感兴趣。
  • The cloud may be the clue needed in solving a puzzle that has confounded scientists who so far have seen little evidence of a veil of ethane clouds and surface liquids originally thought extensive enough to cover the entire surface of titan with a 300 - meter - deep ocean
  • Throughout the descent , shifts in the frequency of the probe ' s radio signal will be monitored to infer the strength of titan ' s winds , and the huygens atmospheric structure instrument ( hasi ) will measure temperature , pressure and electrical fields that could indicate the presence of lightning
    下降过程中将持续监测探测器无线电讯号的频移,以推算土卫六风场强度;而惠更斯大气结构仪( hasi )会量测温度、气压以及可能显示闪电是否存在的电场。
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